there are times in our lives where we encounter others who are nearly a reflection of ourselves. they may be warped into forms completely separate from our own, a different gender or diverse abilities and interests, and sometimes this makes them difficult to recognize. but i believe that regardless of what may come, nothing can stop us from crossing paths with these remarkable individuals.
i think i've had the incredibly fortunate experience of chancing upon several of these people, those who are like twins to me, and spending a great deal of time with them. they have helped me grow, and continue to shape me.
but there are times where i feel that these, my twins, are more alien to me than most others. they, who i feel can read my thoughts at times, have become persons unknown to me. we are strangers with an intricate knowledge of each other.
and then, moments pass where i feel as if we were born of elements from the same soul, crafted to be one and the same but split apart through the tests of life. it is in these instances i relish, reveling in the sweet poetry born of them. they show me it is as if we were at one time utterly identical but time and trial had taken its toll, changing us, but not breaking us. we still match, joining together in perfect harmony, but we have shifted into a symphony rather than remaining clones of one another. parts of us accent others, and some negate each other, uniting to create a masterpiece of prodigious proportions.
but then the elegance fades and we return to our illusory world, believing that what existed is unattainable and, even if we had achieved it, it would be beyond the realm of possibility to accomplish it again.
i reject the chimerical existence given to me and challenge the fallacious reality that surrounds us. i choose more.
i choose rapture.
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